Online Marketing

Online Marketing

By OwnMyIdeas|April 12, 2017|Business|

Online Marketing Online Marketing is essential in this day and age and something most successful businesses are taking advantage of.   Today technology controls so much of our day and really our lives. Gone are the days of phone books and newspapers. Instead we have google, online news, and craigslist. Most of our social interactions and business networking is done online, and we are having less and less human interaction.

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What is Branding and Why is it Important

What is Branding and Why is it Important

By OwnMyIdeas|April 12, 2017|Business|

  Branding is something that every business or entity needs to do if they want to get their name out there. Your brand makes you unique and recognizable. It’s who you are as a company.  In one fell swoop it lets people know if you are reliable, experienced, costs of your products etc. Think about Target for example. Their brand is that they are your store for everything of quality,

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What is Seo

What is Seo

By OwnMyIdeas|April 12, 2017|Business|

What is SEO?   When you have something online, be it an article, a notification, a business, etc., you want people to be able to find it just by searching for it. Now you may think that this is something as simple as creting the page and it can easily be found, but that’s not really the case. What you do end up using is SEO, which stands for Search

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3D Prototyping

3D Prototyping

By OwnMyIdeas|April 12, 2017|Business|

3D Prototyping What was once an unrealistic goal is now reality-3d prototyping? That’s right. There are now printers on the market that allow you to print 3d models for prototyping a variety of different things. But what does this mean, and how can this be useful?   Well let’s say someone comes up with a concept or design idea for a new product. The first step would be to determine

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The importance of having a patent search done by a professional

The importance of having a patent search done by a professional

By OwnMyIdeas|April 7, 2017|Business|

The importance of having a patent search done by a professional as opposed to doing it yourself   Have you come up with new inventions and now you are worried about licensing? If so, you are one of many inventors facing this issue. For the sake of the understanding of all readers, let’s first discuss what patents are. A patent is a license, given by an authority to an inventor,

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I Have an Idea for an Invention! Now What?

I Have an Idea for an Invention! Now What?

By OwnMyIdeas|March 27, 2017|Business|

Invention is at the core of humanity and has been a part of advancements since our ancestors first walked the world. Developing things into a mass marketing phenomenon, however, can be attributed to the market and demand.   If you think you have a great idea, you no doubt want to see it take off. But now that you have this idea for an invention, where do you begin? The

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Why is a Patent Important for your Invention

Why is a Patent Important for your Invention

By OwnMyIdeas|March 27, 2017|Business|

  Why is a Patent Important for your Invention Inventors are  encouraged to patent their inventions, but the patent process can take time and resources to execute properly.  As a result of this, a lot of inventors may come up with the wrong idea that the cost is not worth the effort, and refrain from the process without appreciating the immense advantages that patenting their invention can bring. This makes securing

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