Light Up a Life

By OwnMyIdeas|November 29, 2017|Business|

Here at Kiva, Light Up a Fire the holidays can be a busy time, but we make sure to pause and reflect on what makes us thankful. We always come back to Kiva borrowers, who inspire with their enterpreneurial spirit, and to lenders like you, who light up the lives of so many with opportunity.

It’s been a year of challenges for many borrowers – from natural  disasters to political instability – and the Kiva community has responded in kind. You broke records supporting refugee and women – owned businesses in 2017, and helped Kiva cross an incredible milestone – $1 billion in loans. You should be proud of your impact, and we want to express how grateful we are for all that you do.

So from all of us at Kiva, thank you for being a beacon of light and generosity for those striving to achive their dreams. Thank you for supporting our our organization through donations. Finally, thank you for spreading the word about Kiva so we can continue to grow our impact together.


Best Wishes

Kiva Team

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