Woman Crush Wednesday: Cherie Mathews

By Own My Ideas|November 25, 2019|Business|

Our Woman Crush Wednesday is breast cancer survivor Cherie Mathews, who created the “Healincomfort” recovery shirt. Mathews designed the recovery shirt to provide a solution for anyone undergoing breast mastectomy surgery. She says, “My name is Cherie B. Mathews, a 20+ year breast cancer survivor, and I designed the Heal In Comfort Recovery Shirts after discovering there wasn’t any ‘standardized’ adaptive clothing provided after breast cancer surgery. The feather soft

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How Gissel built a business that brought her family off the streets and into school

How Gissel built a business that brought her family off the streets and into school

By Own My Ideas|August 8, 2019|Business|

A little over a decade ago, Gissel and her husband fell on hard times. Employment was scarce and they ran out of funds to finish their home. They slept many nights under cardboard next to their two young children. Gissel heard about a program offering group loans for women in their village and she enrolled immediately. With the help of Esperanza International, Gissel started a business and has grown her

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What’s the best way to protect my idea?

What’s the best way to protect my idea?

By Own My Ideas|March 27, 2018|Business, Inventions, License my idea, own my ideas, Patent my Idea, Patents|

First of all we all know it’s important to protect our ideas while we are in the process of trying to bring them to market.  You don’t want to be too paranoid and be overly protective, just like anything else you have to use some common sense.  I’ve spoken to some inventors who refuse to disclose anything about their ideas.  That’s a sure fire way to not ever profit or

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Light Up a Life

By OwnMyIdeas|November 29, 2017|Business|

Here at Kiva, Light Up a Fire the holidays can be a busy time, but we make sure to pause and reflect on what makes us thankful. We always come back to Kiva borrowers, who inspire with their enterpreneurial spirit, and to lenders like you, who light up the lives of so many with opportunity. It’s been a year of challenges for many borrowers – from natural  disasters to political

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Stop Taking Business Advice From Your Patent Attorney

Stop Taking Business Advice From Your Patent Attorney

By OwnMyIdeas|November 29, 2017|Business|

When I shared my first ‘big’ idea with my Silicon Valley patent attorneys, they absolutely loved it. I would never be able to count all the income it would generate me, I remember them saying. So, per their recommendation, I agreed to pay a Washington D.C. firm nearly $2,000 to search for prior art — meaning existing patents, primarily — on my concept of a rotating label. Was this a

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By OwnMyIdeas|November 7, 2017|Business|

The Chicago inventors’ organization (CIO) is a non-profit organization whose vision includes being the premier provider of positive, affordable, credible resources to inventors whose products range across all markets including digital apps. Recognized by the US patent and Trademark office, our organization of its kind in the Chicagoland area. Our previous conferences have been attended by more than 2,000 people with presenters from Los Angeles, New Jersey, Philadelphia and Chicago.

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Android Apps

Android Apps

By OwnMyIdeas|April 12, 2017|Business|

Android Apps and Its Future   In 2017, apps of the Android keep on evolving to keep up with the competition and meet with people’s expectations with their phones. Looking forward through 2020, they must plan ahead on how the market for Androids and their apps will flow in order to stay one step ahead. There have radically new ways to improve key features in messaging, security, and (third topic).

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